Tikka T3/T3x .308 Win/22-250 Rem/.243 Win/.260 Rem/7mm-08 5-Round Extended Magazine- Black

SKU: S5850374
UPC: 082442811840

5-Round Magazine.


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Tikka T3 Extended extra Magazines are handy to have in your pocket when hunting or target practicing, as an empty magazine can be replaced quickly and easily by a full one. Simply slip in a full mag and you are immediately ready to chamber another round.

Technical Information:

  • Caliber: .22-250 Rem, 243 Win, 308 Win, 7mm-08, .260 Rem
  • Capacity: 5-Round
  • Gun Model: Fits in Tikka T3/T3x’x chambered in .22-250 Rem, 243 Win, 308 Win, 7mm-08, .260 Rem
  • Body Material: Polymer
  • Polymer Follower
Weight 0.25 lbs

5 Round

Magazine Caliber

.243 Winchester

Magazine Gun Model




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