Rugged Suppressors Obsidian 45/9 Fixed Barrel Spacer- Copper

SKU: SP001
UPC: 859383006471

Fixed Barrel Spacer.


Availability: 1 in stock

Rugged Suppressors is excited to offer you the ability to utilize your Obsidian 45 or 9 suppressors in conjunction with your specific threaded piston on fixed barrel model. This spacer will replaces the spring system and fill the gap when you decided to use your suppressor on your favorite fixed barrel platform such as your Carbine, Rifle, Pistol, or Subgun platform. The fixed barrel mount is designed to replace the booster system which is utilized on tilting barrel platforms. Please check the threads on your host platform to ensure that you purchase the correct fixed barrel mount.

Fits: Obsidian 45 Suppressor or Obsidian 9 Suppressor with Threaded Piston Installed

Note:The Fixed Barrel Space is NOT to be used with the Fixed Mount or 3 Lug Mount.

Weight 0.1875 lbs



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