Accurate Blackhorn 209 Black Powder Substitute- 10 Oz. (HAZMAT Fee Required)

UPC: 094794021105

10 Oz. of Muzzleloading Propellant.


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Attention! HAZMAT Fee Required
HAZMAT fee will be applied to all orders that contain Powders and or primers. This fee covers 48 Lbs of Powder and Primers.(Orders over 48 Lbs will require an additional fee) Powder and Primers ship ground freight to the lower 48 states. Powder and Primers cannot be returned. Check local regulations before ordering.

This product weighs 10 Oz.

Blackhorn 209 is a revolutionary propellant that is redefining the term “accuracy” in the muzzleloading industry. When used as directed, this high performance powder consistently shoots at higher velocities and with greater precision than any competing propellant. As the ONLY noncorrosive muzzleloading powder, Blackhorn 209 is engineered to eliminate swabbing and cleaning between shots. Precise accuracy, higher velocities and ease of use ensure Blackhorn 209 will bring out the best in your muzzleloading rifle.

Important Information:

  • Do not exceed the loads displayed in the reloaders guide.
  • Never mix any two powders regardless of type, brand, or source.
  • Never substitute any smokeless powder for Black Powder or any Black Powder substitute.
Weight 0.8125 lbs

Accurate Powders


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